The Department of Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy is serviced and managed by the Head of the Department who is personnel specialized in the healthcare system and the specific functions of the hospital so that objectives can be achieved in cooperation with other hospital services and programs that ensure continuity of patient care.
Broad areas of his administrative and management responsibilities include planning and integrating professional services, budgeting, purchase and inventory control, cost review, cost effectiveness, audit, maintenance of records and preparation of reports. As a basis for this responsibility, he is thoroughly familiar with the organization of the hospital, staff and line relationships and the appropriate lines of communication. Man management towards optimizing the safe and effective patient care for achieving the set objective and goals is one of his top priorities.
He is ably assisted by a team of pharmacy professional’s viz. Chief Pharmacist, Clinical Pharmacist, Pharmacist In charge – Inventory Control, Pharmacist – Procurement and Supply, and Pharmacist In charge, each for the Hospital and Retail Pharmacies.